Monday 19 March 2012

Software Packages - Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator

Dreamweaver is an Adobe program which is designed in order to help you write HTML code for the creating of web sites. HTML means 'Hyper Text Markup Language' -  the code you type in order to insert text and images onto a web page.
We created a basic webpage in college using a template supplied by our tutor John and had a go and changing fonts, font colours and inserting images. I created a basic web page to help promote my photography and book cover. The first screenshot is the front page which by clicking on the image take you to the second page with all the contents listed.
I added my book cover image (without the text) as the main image then added images down the right hand side of the screen to go with the relevant text. In order to do this I opened up the template in Dreamweaver and typed in the HTML code such as -
sam johnson
. The
code tells dreamweaver that the line of text ends there. As this was my first time EVER writing in HTML code I found it a little bit confusing to start with. In order to change the colour of a font you can use the swatches codes from photoshop which gives limitless options when deciding on what colour to go for.

Fig 1.

Dreamweaver makes things easier for novices such as myself to create a web page. As photographers it gives us a fantastic tool to get our work out there and online that can give anyone access to all over the world. Self promotion is a great way to start when your just starting out as no one else is going to do it for you! and make things even easier by allowing you to adjust templates using a drag and drop process. I decided I would use weebly for my web page.
Fig 2. shows the edit page on weebly. As you can see the option to add pictures and paragraphs etc are just a drag and drop tool.

Fig 2.
If I wanted to change my URL (uniform resource locator) from the weebly one I could buy a domain name such as (if not already taken) costing anything from £3.99 to £20 per year. Sites such as namesco limited allow you to buy the domain name then 'rent' it off them for a annual fee.

Another software package you can use to help with your web design is Adobe Illustrator. Adobe Illustrator is a vector based program which means you can re-size images and text without losing quality. Illustrator also allows you to turn a bitmap pixel based images into vector images using it's live trace function - a digital version of tracing paper.

One of the main advantages of using Illustrator Dreamweaver and Photoshop is that they are all made by Adobe so the you get software synergy.
images courtesy of

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