Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Convergence & Persistence Of Vision

Only.a.dream from Camille Marotte on Vimeo.

Convergence refers to (in technology terms and in relation to digital photography)the combination of two or more different technologies in a single device. The video embeded above was created using a Canon 5d MkII. In fact he last episode of the US drama show House was shot using a 5d MkII (http://www.cinema5d.com/news/?p=2818). With the emergence of the DSLR everyone was classing themsleves as a photographer, now it seems everyone is classing themselves as a film maker. More and more photographers are taking advantage of the video capabilities the 5dMkII offers and of course it adds another string to your bow when offering your creative services.
Darren Aronofsky is also said to have shot the rehearsals for his film Black Swan using a Canon 5d MkII.
Using the Canon means you can create HD quality video (20 frames per second = high quality, 64 frames per second = high definition) with a shallow depth of field due to the full frame sensor.
I personally am saving any money I come across to get my grubby mitts on one. In fact I am instilling a strict bread and water diet in the Johnson household until I am in full possession of said camera.

Fig 1. Canon 5d Mk II used as a video camera

Persistence of vision is the theory that the human eye retains images for a fraction of a second thus meaning everything that we see is a mixture of the present and what happened a fraction of a second before. This is how we are understood to watch moving images (film & video) however another school of thought suggests that the brain sends us signals giving us the illusion of continuous motion. Known as beta movement which means the brain assumes there will be a movement between two static images when shown in quick succession and fills in the blanks.

(Image courtesy of http://www.credencepictures.com/images/uploads/DSC02170.jpg)