Monday, 26 September 2011

And so it begins.....

The best way to describe my blog is to paraphrase the fourth most famous member of U2, Adam Clayton, and say that this blog 'is a photographic journey'.
Over the coming months I shall be updating my blog with my progress on my photography degree and all other things photography related that I feel are worth 'blogging' about.
Now what bettter way to start then by putting my current Canon 450D DSLR through its ISO paces.
Below are the images taken using the same aperture (F7.1) and then adjusting the ISO, starting with 100 through to 1600.
This is the original image taken with ISO 100. I shall then crop and focus in on part of the image on each ISO variant in order to show the change in image quality and noise as I go up through the ISO settings on the camera.
ORIGINAL - F7.1 / ISO 100
ISO 100
ISO 200
ISO 400
ISO 800
ISO 1600
 As you can see the 450D struggles in low light at its highest ISO of 1600. The noise is evident and the image is far less sharp than at ISO 100, 200 and 400.  I would say the image becomes unusable at ISO 800 for professional purposes. However if I wanted to produce a grainy loooking image in a low light situation (and perhaps convert to B&W) ISO 800 and ISO 1600 might work quite well.


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